today i want to address what i believe to be the root of my 80's exercise video obsession...joanie greggains. queen of the morning stretch.
my mom was an avid follower of ms. greggains when i was in a young and impressionable state (read: easily scarred).
watch this video and we can process it afterwards... or we can try at least. it's kind of long so i recommend skipping ahead to the 4:45
mark, unless you want to see funny 80's commercials for Jhirmack;-)
ok, people... breathe. we can get through this together. where to start??? how about we address the most blaring distraction: troy in the back.
holy.god... those are some short tight white shorts. my PTSD is kicking in here so pardon my scattered thoughts. i became transfixed on his legs
trying to sort out if he was wearing fur tights or was really that hairy... and the mid-drift bearing cut off sweatshirt must have been helpful
in saving him from having to tell people he was gay.
but back to joanie... what was up with her lecture on children's toys in the middle of the workout? she has a lot of opinions on stuffed animals
that i wasn't banking on hearing all about while wearing my candy striper leotard and hyper extending my jazz hands.
wow. i need some more time to process here. i'd like to hear your thoughts on this video, discuss amongst yourselves...